
Welcome to the world of Steap Kombucha!
Kombucha is something else. It’s not only refreshing. It’s not only cooling.
It’s a source of excitement.
This is the new face of tea.


A kombucha

Kombucha is a high-quality tea infusion – it has been made in ancient China for thousands of years. The drink is born through fermentation, it contains a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, a.k.a. SCOBY. There is life in it.
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A kombucha

A kombucha valódi, magas minőségű tea forrázata – az ősi Kínában évezredek óta készítik. A fermentáció útján megszülető ital élőkultúrát, szimbiotikus élesztő és baktérium törzseket tartalmaz. Élet van benne.

A kombucha

Kombucha is a high-quality tea infusion – it has been made in ancient China for thousands of years. The drink is born through fermentation, it contains a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, a.k.a. SCOBY. There is life in it.
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The squad

Its raw material comes from the native land of teas, the miraculous tea gardens of the Far East – where the mountains and clouds meet. So we work with them respectfully.

Mi van a dobozban?

Egy olyan alacsony kalóriatartalmú, alkoholmentes ital született, ami az alapanyag legszebb arcát mutatja. Ez a Steap Kombucha: tea, másképp.

Hiszen csakis természetes folyamatok összjátékából készül:

magas minőségű tealevelekkel

természetes baktérium- és élesztőkultúrával

a fermentációhoz szükséges idővel

What’s in the can?

A low-calorie, non-alcoholic drink was born, which shows the most beautiful face of the raw material. This is Steap Kombucha: tea, differently.

It’s born from the interaction of natural processes:

with high-quality tea leaves

with a natural culture of bacteria and yeast

with the time required for fermentation



Pesti Richárd

What's in the can?

A low-calorie, non-alcoholic drink was born, which shows the most beautiful face of the raw material. This is Steap Kombucha: tea, differently.

It’s born from the interaction of natural processes:

with high-quality tea leaves

with a natural culture of bacteria and yeast

with the time required for fermentation


Pesti Richárd


On our blog, we will tell you stories about the teas of the Far East, natural fermentation processes and flavors. Just like every sip of our kombucha does.

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